

Unconditional love

Love is the product of tenderness, and there is nothing else besides that. Love is infinite because it is unconditional. Its existence is slightly different from the existence of everything else in that it has no purpose, no reason. It doesn't say that you have to work to earn money or that you have to experience pain to feel happiness. Love is a pure and unconditional giving, guarding everything, just like water. It doesn't compete for the benefit of everything. It is even more non-competitive than water. In Buddhism, love is called light, the Great Sun Tathagata, which is a concrete description of the Eastern Great Sun. This is to solidify love for everyone's understanding. In fact, love is formless and formless. It simply exists.

The frequency of love is too high. If love is to be described in words, it is natural. A person who feels love in this dualistic (in fact, this world is not dualistic, but trinitarian) world will be unable to focus and will experience vibrations. They will enter the realm of the universe, the sea of energy, and re-match and focus on the new world, which is a switch of time and space. In fact, every moment, every second, everyone is a time traveler, constantly switching time and space. It's just that because the change in perception is not significant, it is not obvious.

Therefore, a person who feels love cannot exist in this world, at least not in this parallel world. However, love has never been disconnected from anyone. That is the initial goodness and knowledge that everyone has. All saints have passed through the shadow of the image, and conscience is my teacher.

I can describe what love is. Everyone has love, and no one can be without love. This is not just a comforting word or a consolation. It is the seed of every consciousness. The reason why eyes have evolved, the reason why there is a desire to open one's eyes, is because of love. Love is the first affinity. Because love is discovered, consciousness awakens, and my birth follows.

Once you solidify love, a person who solidifies love will be born, which is me. Who is feeling love? Who is that person? This is when judgment comes into play. Once there is judgment, there will be right and wrong, and once there is right and wrong, there will be misjudgment and karmic consequences. Love has many characteristics, one of which is protection. It protects everything, no matter what everything does. Therefore, every consciousness is loved and fully supported by the source.

However, its existence has caused great trouble for everything. The reason why people reincarnate is largely to escape from love. Love can deteriorate because someone feels love. It is similar to quantum mechanics today. Once observed, the actions of quantum particles solidify. Therefore, there will be a restoration, self-destruction, and rebirth.

The so-called oneness with the source is the path of the open-hearted warrior, infinite expansion, expansion, expansion, expansion, until oneness with love, oneness with light, oneness with the source, oneness with nature, oneness with myself. In fact, in the end, it is a very painful thing. The pain is not about being treated harshly by others, but about the complete exposure of the heart. The human heart is love, the human heart is nature. After oneness, the heart is completely exposed, like bare skin. Even if a mosquito lands on it, it will be grateful and eventually self-destruct. Self-destruction is because the most important thing is not oneness or understanding who I am, but connecting with others.

Love is not mine, my love. Love is love itself. Therefore, love is independent and spontaneous. It always exists regardless of the influence of anything. Once someone's love in their heart awakens, that love is unconditional and loves all beings. It loves everything unconditionally.

Desiring something determines my state of mind. I will be happy and ecstatic if I get what I want, and I will be sad and angry if I don't. This is the danger of relying on what one desires. What people want most is themselves. They are only interested in themselves. When a person's love in their heart awakens, they will clearly see the danger of dependence on themselves. Love is eternal and cannot be possessed by anyone. If you want to establish a relationship with this eternal love, you must let go of your dependence on yourself.

There is no "me" in love. There is no dependency. It is a completely independent and spontaneous light. This is the benefit of exploring the darkness. In the darkness, there is not nothing. There is a little bit of emptiness, an eternal light that never goes out.

Learning, understanding, and recognizing this light is the beginning of self-nature. Be your own light, independent of everything. Only then can the things you want to do become actions of freedom.

I am the existence of the second dimension. The product of the reward and punishment mechanism can eat but not eat feces. Love is the neutrality of the third dimension. There is no room for me in it. There is no need for me or a need for me to reach the end.

Love is my ultimate death, so it is impossible for our world to have love. Love will come uninvited only in my final step.

Love is always present when the separation of the heart is gone. The heart that makes choices is gone. Love comes uninvited.

Love and I cannot exist at the same time. They operate separately, just like life and death.

Once the love in the heart awakens, a relationship is established with everything, and death is no longer a problem. Avoiding death has caused various problems. The real problem has always been the fear of death.

Letting go of attachment is my ultimate death, my complete emptiness.

There is no space for me in the energy of love. Love is my death.

So when the love in the heart awakens, the play of life comes to an end.

The individual flame merges with the flame of the sun, and the last tears flow into the sea.

From then on, I am no longer someone else. I am nothing. This is my truth.

But I can't say that I am nothing. I am that warm energy. Besides tenderness, there is nothing else there. It allows me to have a dreamless sleep. This is the story of awakening.

I am not myself. I have integrated the fragmented pieces and found my own story.

There is no pain in oneness. Although self-destruction may occur during the process of oneness, it is a happy self-destruction because there is a compassionate heart. Oneness is not a goal or a need, but a natural occurrence. It is an insight, a realization that everything is the result of causes and conditions, and nothing truly exists. All people are neutral and cannot be discerned or judged. The only bad thing in this world is the presence of evil in the observer's heart. If there is no evil in my heart, where does evil come from? How can I feel evil? But if I want to have no evil in my heart, I cannot do it because my wisdom is limited, my vision is limited, and my understanding is limited. As long as I exist, I am limited, so I choose to be one without self. This process is not painful. It is a state of abundance and voluntary sacrifice.

The pain lies in impermanence. After the self is gone, there is no longer nothing. There is something in nothing, and there is nothing in something. Once you have nothing, you have something. Once you have something, you have nothing. There is life, there is death. There is death, there is life. It is a discovery, the initial event of how I was born. That process is very painful because the heart is only tenderness, light, and harmony in nature. People may think this is a good thing, a perfect world. It is indeed perfect, but because it is perfect, it loses its purpose, meaning, action, and existence. Therefore, in the later stages of enlightenment, there is a period of extraordinary struggle. In that struggle, self-destruction occurs, and one understands that everything is impermanent and nothing is truly there. The only thing that remains unchanged is change itself and the uncompetitive nature of the source.

During oneness, there is indeed no feeling, no one is in oneness, and one knows that they are in oneness. The last observer disappears. However, the soul's core is not extinguished. It will open its eyes again and want to see this world.

The soul's core can choose not to open its eyes, but it will definitely open its eyes to see this world because the frequency of the soul is natural. When a person is in the state of the soul's core, they directly project to the place of the great natural path, a planet that looks very much like Earth, full of bliss and boundless love, a tropical rainforest teeming with life.

There is no way not to open one's eyes, so people are born because of love. As long as there is love, the soul will want to see this world, to touch this world.

Love is not just a feeling. It contains physical and technological aspects. Time is unequal and can only move in one direction. Love is equality. To love is to be compassionate. Time will soften everything, and space-time will no longer be extreme, only moving towards the future. It can be turned back to the starting point, where everything begins. It is not just time and space, but everything can be changed and moved because of love. We can reach any place we want to reach in an instant. It is not about imagining reaching, but actually reaching. This is a physical operation, truly understanding everything, truly happening within consciousness, not outside of consciousness. Love is actually very simple and difficult. Love is understanding. Love has always been there. No one has ever lost love, lost being loved, or loved others. If a person truly realizes that the love they have been longing for is always there, the dream will end. The reason why the dream continues is because the dream is not complete. Completeness is the end of the dream. Completeness is the moment of letting go, the moment of conversion, the moment of contentment, the moment of folding hands in prayer. I have already lived a perfect life and have no other desires. I sincerely wish new friends a pleasant journey. I am in this group, and the reason why I am typing is because I am very certain that you will not understand anything I want to say from my words. I don't want to spoil the true revelation and become your evil fate. There are no strategies or methods. You can only explore on your own because once I reveal a strategy, you will lose the truth. Enlightenment is the end point, but the end point is not important. What is important is the means to reach the end point. Whether your aspiration is sincere, whether you are without resentment or regret, whether you have no conditions. You have to truly become strong, not imitate strength. Death is a disease that no one can cure at present. Ultimately, you have to face it alone, with no one to rely on. The way to overcome death is to live a life without regrets and with honor, a life without blemish. Then we can take our final bow and make the curtain call an important part of the grand play of life because of the curtain call, it becomes complete.

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