

Discussion content on September 9th

14 12:11:39
The term compassion refers to treating every person and every blade of grass with gentle care, not holding expectations for changes in anything, and fully trusting and accepting them as they are. I am willing to spend more energy and imagination to observe, guess, and fantasize about a person's growth journey. Once I see the enormous role that the chain of cause and effect plays in a person, I will understand that the past is not a random result but an inevitable cause-and-effect reaction. Only by understanding that the past is cause and effect can I have faith in cause and effect now, planting a good cause to move from the cycle of revenge to a cycle of mutual understanding through love. When I realize that love can truly break the chains of grievances and enmities, compassion will genuinely occur. Compassion is not sympathy; it is not about seeing someone struggling and wanting to help them. Compassion is a long-lost hearty laugh, a release from confinement, a way to live uprightly without the fear of being harmed. Compassion is the wise understanding of the non-empty principle of cause and effect, accepting this material world. The difference is that I plant a good cause, knowing it will inevitably bear good fruit. The immense benefits of this return allow me to fully let go and accept everything that is happening and will happen. All I can do is allow things to happen, just like Lee Hyori sings in "U-Go-Girl."
14 12:14:04
The word compassion, in modern terms, means to let go and love.
14 13:37:56
Just finish watching "Chinese Cooking Master." This anime explains everything.
14 13:39:00
Seeing Shao'an's death is enough.
14 15:37:33
Recently, I have been exploring whether it is possible to live without motives.
【Group Friend】Hello 15:43:52
Do you have emotions?
14 15:53:41
@Hello @Hello Yes, as long as I have something I care about, that thing will affect my emotions.
14 17:26:29
It has always been very simple.
14 17:27:17
Unconditional love is all it is. This is the first step and the last step. Before having it, you can try to see if you can earn 500,000 to live a secular life.
【Group Friend】Hello 17:27:47
@Fuxi @Fuxi You still have things you care about. You say to let go and love everything beautiful. What else do you care about?
【Group Friend】P 17:35:48
@Fuxi If you can love others and all things unconditionally, there is a sense of resolving various emotional issues and people's likes and dislikes.
【Group Friend】P 17:38:57
@Fuxi It seems you have said that this river of love is related to hope in desperate situations.
【Group Friend】P 17:39:15
What is the hope of seeing a beautiful scene and what is the motive? Is it love?
14 18:36:37
@Hello @Hello It is impossible for a person to have unconditional love. I cannot treat feces and rice equally. However, I will eventually die, and at that time, I will not be so certain about what I believe because it will no longer be useful to me. I will not worry about my future anymore; I will not care about stopping at a red light or going at a green light. I will not expect any special medicine, any master, or any book to help myself. At that time, I will only have myself; my life will have ended. Now I can summarize and see how my life's circumstances came about, how they disappeared, and how they changed. What kind of rain has fallen over 5,000 years that led to someone's departure, someone's encounter, and someone's birth after 5,000 years? At that time, I can start by understanding what fate is, beginning to recognize this world anew like an elementary school student, seeing the relationship between the world and my past life, thus transitioning from individual consciousness to collective consciousness. I will see that the death of animals as food and the continuation of human life are inseparable, that human death and the salaries of funeral home workers are inseparable, that salaries and roast ducks by the roadside are inseparable. No matter what happens in this world, the relationship as a whole has never been broken; it is always continuous and ongoing, just changing form from a grain of sand to a stone to a planet. Only then can I let go of the burden of being human and open my heart to accept the world, because I understand that I cannot just want this and not that; light and shadow are two sides of the same coin that cannot be separated. Only then can I experience this world as a whole, naturally experiencing the ebb and flow, fully immersing myself in this world worth loving. This is my concern for the world, and because of this concern, I understand that although the world is good, once I immerse myself in it, I distort my original point, my true self, and see the dangers within. Therefore, I return to my original point, and in the process of returning, everything that is not mine is scattered into the world, which is unconditional love—my prayers, my blessings, everything I have received from this world, the grudges and grievances, love and hate, parting and reunion are all like dust. After returning to my original point, in the void, there is a projected background from which I know what my original intention is, what my first motive is. When I return to the world again, what happens is no longer important to me; the outcome of what happens is also not important. What matters is that I show my true self, which is what I care about most in this world.
14 19:15:34
Unconditional love is unconditional giving. Its premise is finding oneself, returning to oneself. What is not mine can be given away without hesitation, which means everything. Only by emptying everything can I return to a state of being empty, a complete state, a state of no self, no motive, and no purpose. In this state, an unexpected background appears, and in this background, I open my eyes and remember my true state.
14 19:24:24
Unconditional love can also be simply described as a shooting star falling in the night sky, and without thinking, you immediately want to share this beauty with those around you.
14 19:26:54
You wouldn't want to possess this beauty because you know it is not yours. But when you share it and point it out, you also become the beauty under the starry sky in others' eyes.
14 19:37:28
In despair, there is an intelligent system that will take over, just like when you are asleep, your body can still breathe. There is a system that begins to operate when thought stops, accurately projecting and displaying the people and events you care about most in your life, instantly capturing your heart.
14 19:38:13
Just like the Infinite Tsukuyomi in Naruto.
【Group Friend】P 20:01:07
@Fuxi Is it that humanity cannot escape sin and punishment at the genetic level?
【Group Friend】Yunzhongge 20:02:42
@Fuxi Can I be reincarnated after I die?
14 20:31:44
Thought will definitely pursue a sense of security. If you are in a cage with a tiger, you will only think about how to get out, not whether the tiger will eat you. Thought cannot be rational; it cannot understand the truth of things. It can only understand the truth it believes in. Therefore, my pursuit of thought will inevitably create a safety mechanism to protect the ideas I identify with. For example, if I love my country, if someone insults my country, I will feel hurt and retaliate. This is the mechanism of sin and punishment. As long as I have identification, once what I identify with is attacked or opposed, I will defend it. The roulette of sin and punishment, justice and evil, light and darkness begins to spin with the changes in thought. If I want to break free from this game, I must realize that I am thought. I have placed too much importance on thought because it is all I can have; it can go into the coffin with me. When I take the only thing I can hold onto and make it the most important thing, I lose my rationality.
14 20:47:41
@Yunzhongge @Yunzhongge Yes, life is one system, and death is another system that takes over when willpower ends. These two systems cannot operate synchronously; one must stop for the other to begin. However, whether this is comforting or a fact, you must investigate for yourself.
14 21:05:12
What happens in our lives is actually the same as what happens after we die. What happens to you is the same as what happens to aliens. What happens to modern people is the same as what happened to ancient people. The energy behind things has never changed. The greatest benefit of awakening is not that I live the life I envy, but that I live deeply in ordinary life, seeing what energy corresponds to behind an event or action.
14 21:06:29
You can experience whatever you want.
14 21:15:32
No matter what you want to experience, you are experiencing the energy behind it, and this energy can be found in very ordinary life; it is just that we do not recognize it. There are no small matters in this world; the world has a manual, a strategy, the strongest and fastest way to clear the game. This can only happen when our self-will stops operating, and the system takes over and operates automatically, starting the strongest clearing mode. We can naturally reach the end. If we have experienced the most perfect way of living, we will find that every aspect of this perfect life corresponds to every event happening in this world. The world seems very complex, but the energy operation behind it is not complex.
14 21:22:49
There is no event in this world that is imperfect; everything that happens is a part of perfection. From one part, it may seem strange, but if a person does not repeat experiences and personally experiences more, it is possible to piece together the energy network needed for awakening in ordinary daily life.
【Group Friend】Lu Wu MeHerBaBa 21:26:22
@Fuxi Double-click to view the original image.
【Group Friend】Lu Wu MeHerBaBa 21:28:23
@Fuxi Big Brother.
14 21:28:41
The events happening in the world have different feelings of energy strength behind them, but the energy modules and templates behind them are not many. Although many things seem different, the energy of the experiences behind them is the same; it is just the strength that differs, and the strength can be adjusted through thought. To put it more simply, the world is a movie; everything that happens in it seems complex, but the reactions I can produce are not many, just joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, excitement, despair, fear, confusion, surprise, curiosity, anger, awakening, understanding, letting go, pride, and tension.
【Group Friend】Lu Wu MeHerBaBa 21:29:17
Double-click to view the original image.
14 21:37:22
This world is actually a puzzle game; just find the corresponding pieces and put them together, which is returning to the right position. Each energy corresponds to the correct position, just like when you wake up in the morning, there will definitely be a desire driving us to act. This is an energy module that can be easily obtained without searching.
14 21:42:30
One is the energy module that knows who you are the moment you wake up, one is the energy module of boredom, and one is the energy module of desire. The combination of these three energy modules seals the energy module of your dream self. After the dream self is sealed by the waking self, it becomes your psychological activity. It cannot enter your world, and you cannot enter its world. This is the energy module of me not being me.
14 21:45:09
Our material world is actually a projection of the energy world. Everything that happens in everyone's life is the content of awakening, and only the content of awakening. The only difference between people and aliens, between modern and ancient people, between animals and humans, is who can realize to what extent the events happening in front of them correspond to the energy behind them.
14 21:46:37
Because there are only a few types of energy, or to say that complete energy is the process of a life fully blooming at every stage.
14 21:49:57
For example, if I want to experience the energy of becoming a Buddha, the energy represented in this world corresponds to stillness. For example, if I want to experience the energy of being isolated and disconnected from my surroundings, that energy corresponds to boredom in this world.
【Group Friend】P 21:52:19
@Fuxi What if I want to experience the energy of dancing with the environment?
14 21:52:28
This is living in daily life with a deep state, practicing in life, living each day well. For the heart, there is actually only one day; every day is actually the same day. The changes are different, but the energy behind them is the same. What we can do is not let the energy repeat, but to combine each different energy in its original order.
14 22:23:33
That is experiencing a coffee shop and suddenly encountering an ex-girlfriend—familiar yet strange, suddenly calling out but unable to remember her name. Now I am already a father, and she is already a mother of two children. With the feelings of not having seen each other for a long time, we sit down to chat just like the first time we met. Her words can still touch my heart, but this time it is different; I will no longer fear losing her, I will not think of possessing her, and I will not explode over trivial matters between us. The relationship between her and me has found the right position, a position that gives each other enough space, a position where understanding is greater than criticism. The energy of dancing with the environment is the present moment, a place where you can be sincere, where you can cry and laugh. It has the solemnity and sanctity of entering a church, the empty promises of a scoundrel, and the awakening from a dream of making a fortune in northern Myanmar. The things that attract you are both beautiful and dangerous.
14 22:25:07
We are now dancing with our breath.
14 22:29:06
Yukio Mishima's "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion" tells the story of dancing with the environment and ultimately burning down the temple.

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