

Discussion content on September 22

14 20:19:13
Today I want to talk about the content behind the word "self-nature."
14 20:19:24
Is anyone interested?
14 20:31:12
Our happiness, comfort, entertainment, eating, drinking, and other needs depend on external situations or bodily organs. If these are taken away from me, I will quickly lose balance and mentally collapse. I want to explore whether I can still be happy without external dependencies and if there is any power that can spontaneously support myself.
【Group Friend】P 20:31:13
@14 Go ahead and talk about it.
【Group Friend】P 20:32:43
@14 When we dream, it seems we can also be happy in our dreams.
【Group Friend】P 20:33:10
This may indicate that our emotions do not need to rely on tangible situations in reality.
【Group Friend】P 20:35:17
Is that so?
14 20:35:45
The word "I" itself refers to us; it does not point to just one individual, but to what I need, what I rely on, and what I believe in—my past, my thoughts. If a person achieves independence, they will find that there is no need for my existence because they no longer need anything from me to support their state of action.
14 20:41:52
Talking about self-nature today means separating "I" from "self."
14 20:42:58
If I cannot separate "I" from "self," then I am just a habit or a series of reactions to problems and challenges.
【Group Friend】P 20:43:10
@14 What does it mean to achieve independence?
【Group Friend】P 20:45:50
Does it mean not acting from memory? Not acting from the torrent of karma, not acting from time and thought?
14 20:47:01
@ Because the external is a projection of the internal; the image projected by a projector and the number of frames it plays are synchronized, with just an additional "I" that cannot see this truth.
14 20:48:34
Let’s discuss this in detail next time; what does "form arises from the mind" really mean?
14 20:50:00
Today we are discussing independence.
14 20:50:34
Can a person not eat? What do you think?
【Group Friend】P 20:50:40
@14 I find it hard to believe that the external is a projection of the internal (physically), but I believe that the world I understand is a projection of my internal state, so the range I touch and the things I believe are related.
【Group Friend】P 20:51:05
@14 I think it depends on the state.
【Group Friend】P 20:51:22
Sometimes I forget that I am hungry.
【Group Friend】P 20:51:29
Unless the physical stimulus is very strong.
14 20:51:32
Then we can skip discussing independence today and choose to talk about "form arises from the mind."
【Group Friend】P 20:52:49
Then let’s talk about "form arises from the mind."
14 20:54:05
I want to think about the order of these concepts, which one was discovered first.
【Group Friend】P 20:54:11
@14 I think people are not always concerned about their stomachs; therefore, health issues are a common problem.
【Group Friend】P 20:55:01
It’s possible; perhaps a person can only live for a second, and forgetting they are hungry while sleeping is that second.
14 20:56:12
As long as there is dependency, there will be erroneous values because the things I rely on are changing and may not be obtained. Their changes will directly affect my state.
14 20:56:20
Including breathing.
14 20:56:45
So independence seems like a very sci-fi topic.
14 20:57:05
Very few people have truly considered the possibility of independence.
14 20:57:47
Generally, independence is passively noticed during awakening; very few actively discover it.
14 20:58:06
It is passively noticed in despair.
【Group Friend】P 21:00:55
@14 Perhaps there are similar settings in sci-fi or other genres of novels.
【Group Friend】P 21:01:14
Gods creating the world through dreams, etc.
【Group Friend】P 21:01:55
The world of gods is independent of the rules of reality, while all love, hate, and tangible objects are creations.
14 21:02:48
What we are discussing now is reality.
【Group Friend】P 21:03:40
Independence in reality is hard to imagine; first, how do we define this independence?
【Group Friend】P 21:03:50
Does not eating count as this kind of independence?
14 21:03:50
Independence, or the word "self-nature," can it be achieved? This is the premise of freedom.
14 21:05:24
Independence means having no dependencies; no matter what happens, it will not affect oneself.
【Group Friend】P 21:05:42
Independence in reality, like you said before, requires using a language and writing system invented by oneself; I think that’s too transcendent.
【Group Friend】P 21:06:27
I can’t even imagine how to speak without Chinese; what will I do tomorrow without my phone?
【Group Friend】P 21:08:15
@14 I am a dandelion; any wind can blow me.
14 21:09:26
The word independence refers to self-nature. Let me explain independence; because in the material environment, nothing is without cause and effect, so independence does not exist. Very few people have encountered true independence.
14 21:12:38
Independence means being able to maintain one’s state without being affected by the material world. You will not have emotional fluctuations because of what happens today. This state of independence allows me to face anything naturally and freely.
14 21:14:23
In any situation, my mood will not change due to external circumstances. I exist independently of my environment, like a person in a three-dimensional world experiencing a two-dimensional world, like an audience watching a movie.
14 21:15:15
Do you understand what I mean?
【Group Friend】P 21:17:00
It sounds really cool.
【Group Friend】P 21:17:49
Isn’t it true that the death of a character in a movie doesn’t cause much emotional upheaval for the audience?
14 21:17:58
Independence is independence; similar to playing a game, I can be influenced by the plot in the game, but no matter what happens in the entire game world, my character’s experiences do not truly affect the player behind it unless the player wishes to be affected.
【Group Friend】P 21:20:54
That’s so cool.
【Group Friend】P 21:21:01
I would love to live like that.
【Group Friend】P 21:21:40
Isn’t this something that requires willpower and training?
14 21:21:42
Death is still unknown. Speaking from what is known, no matter what happens, if a child grows up suffering abuse from their father, once the child achieves independence, they will sincerely love the father who has abused them because the abuse can no longer affect their state. They will realize that their past of suffering and retaliating against their father is a joke.
14 21:21:59
A cosmic joke, a reversal of life.
14 21:26:03
Independence means my state is determined by me; even if I sacrifice myself to feed a tiger, it will not affect my mood at this moment because I can act from an external perspective. This action is filled with immense enthusiasm because I have just broken free from the cage and no longer fear anything, no longer lack anything or need anything, and no longer want to escape from anything. Whatever happens, I will accept it all because nothing can affect or deplete my energy state.
14 21:29:02
Right now, I lack nothing; I no longer have the need to become anything. Even if I fall into the water, I have no desire to escape because space is just an illusion. When I lose my independence, desire has the opportunity to arise. Without desire, space does not exist; this place is the other shore.
14 21:30:21
What I mean by independence, or self-nature, is this. Very few people have experienced it because it can only be perceived in moments of passive despair and failure.
14 21:32:04
Now do you understand what kind of state I am referring to when I talk about independence?
14 21:33:17
If you understand, we can continue discussing how this phenomenon of independence occurs. If you still don’t understand, I can explain further.
【Group Friend】P 21:35:16
@14 If I suddenly feel that eating junk food is actually okay because what we crave is just the enjoyment of taste, as long as we chew it and spit it into the trash can, but doing this on the street is not freedom, does that count as a sudden realization of self-nature?
【Group Friend】P 21:36:01
I thought of this and even tried it; I felt like a lunatic, but I was very happy.
14 21:44:22
If you eat junk food and your body is in terrible pain, but you can switch perspectives to that of the owner of the junk food stand, you will have a premonition of independence. The premise of independence is discovery; a person’s perspective can switch freely. You can experience different lives, beings, or even non-human quantum states until you realize that the observer and the observed are one. The content of the projection, no matter how it changes, is synchronized with the film inside the projector; nothing can be changed. The only thing that can change is the perception of the change as the film plays from beginning to end.
【Group Friend】P 21:47:16
Does this image count as a shift in human perspective?
14 21:47:37
The "I" between the film and the projected image does not actually exist, or rather, the existence of this "I" is merely a mistaken belief that there is a problem that needs to be changed in the next second; it is just a belief taken for granted.
14 21:51:25
Of course not. It is not text; it is a phenomenon that transcends the physical. Just like if I pinch your hand, you will feel pain because your state and the comfort of your hand are related. You have a thought about how to be safe. If I fall into the tiger's mouth, I absolutely cannot be happy.
【Group Friend】P 21:54:21
@14 Is this thought of mine that I extracted from the fixed image in the present moment?
【Group Friend】P 21:54:37
So what exactly am I?
【Group Friend】P 21:55:13
Am I the one who believes that there is a problem and then extracts the film in the present moment? So the film I see is me?
14 21:55:32
What I mean by independence is the disappearance of all thoughts. No matter what kind of result occurs, it will not affect you because your thoughts about a better, normal, comfortable, and safe state are merely programmed reactions. If there is no reaction, knowing that this happens and how I will mechanically react, thought stops. When thought stops, material reactions stop, and time stops. Nothing can take you into the next second because I am already outside of time.
14 21:57:44
If I lack wisdom, it is merely a passive reaction, like a conditioned reflex to run out when the house is on fire. A series of conditioned reflexes is what people call karma.
【Group Friend】P 21:57:47
@14 Am I extracting fixed images from the present moment with love and hate?
【Group Friend】P 21:59:49
So I am a peaceful destroyer.
14 22:04:11
I want to eat fried chicken legs; I don’t want others to eat my legs. This is me; I am determined by my background perspective. However, if I can understand that I have self-awareness, I will find that as long as I have no motivation or desire to think about becoming or changing into something, I will not fall into the whirlpool of time. At this moment, there is a new choice, a new direction, and the result of that direction can find the root of intention—why I am always dissatisfied with the status quo and always have a motive to change it.
14 22:07:54
The film is projected; the film and projection are fixed and unchanging, but playback requires change. I am the one pressing the play button, wanting to see more because there is always a thrilling impulse about the scenes unfolding before my eyes. I always have the urge to move from this shore to the other shore.
14 22:13:10
If my expectations for a better future and how to achieve satisfying results disappear, or if they have already been ultimately realized in the present moment, then I will have a state of independence. This shore is the other shore; I can fully trust and experience safety anywhere because for me, cause and effect no longer exist. I am both at the starting point and already at the finish line; time and space have completely disappeared for me.
【Group Friend】P 22:17:11
It feels like I might faint trying to imagine and understand what you are saying.
14 22:17:27
Luffy's dream in One Piece is to be the world's worst person, making me the source of all evil. But ironically, achieving this requires him to see the world’s peace from a holistic perspective. Once Luffy sees the world's peace, he will realize he is an expert in creating problems as the Pirate King because he is an unnecessary existence in this perfect world. Or rather, his only function is to split the world to experience it.
14 22:20:28
Roger discovered this and surrendered; his surrender also represents that he is the Pirate King because he saw the world as a complete whole and realized his redundancy. The world itself has no good or bad; good and bad arise from my perspective that divides the world, thinking there is a causal chain reaction. In fact, there is not; the world is merely a cycle of destruction and creation.
14 22:26:14
Destruction is creation; decay can give rise to good. New things are born from ashes. From an overall perspective, the world is magnificent, but if I am part of it, I cannot see the true face of the mountain while being in the mountain. I can only see the beauty of the whole and not the local divisions. Therefore, I must be my own light, independent of the world, so I will not be lost.
14 22:29:29
Independence is what people refer to as self-nature. I have not yet elaborated on the specific details and stories.
14 22:30:36
It requires more people to participate in the conversation and ask questions.
14 22:32:04
Clarify what is not understood and ask until the end.
14 22:32:40
In the end, what is lacking is just an attempt or an unexpected moment.
14 22:33:25
Or let’s pause the topic of independence here for now.
【Group Friend】P 22:35:37
I think what you said today is very important.
14 22:36:56
Not just important; it is the most important. Without the joy of energy that comes from independence and being outside of oneself, what is liberation? Liberation is the release from dependency.
【Group Friend】P 22:40:08
@14 Are you currently in a state of independence?
【Group Friend】P 22:40:20
It feels really cool, a feeling of doing as one pleases.
14 22:40:30
Only independence can develop truly stable relationships with others and all things, no longer swayed by results because I no longer truly need anything. I am no longer reacting to the environment's suppressive conditioned reflexes; I can dance equally with the environment as an independent individual.
14 22:40:42
Dancing in sync.
【Group Friend】P 22:41:12
@14 Is dancing in sync because this "I" has become simple?
14 22:41:29
I can appreciate the musical notes of life and listen to the song until the end, singing until the end.
【Group Friend】P 22:41:33
So I am temporarily not a peaceful destroyer.
【Group Friend】P 22:46:00
It refers to the occasional synchronized dance before achieving independence.
【Group Friend】P 22:47:50
@14 Imagining this scenario feels very romantic.
【Group Friend】P 22:48:04
Because removing the unpleasant things allows for equal coexistence with what is feared.
【Group Friend】P 22:48:21
There is nowhere that cannot be ventured into.
14 22:53:08
Synchronized dancing is when my intentions about the past and future disappear. I am no longer swayed by yesterday's or tomorrow's matters. I did not arrive in the present with a brain programmed by traditional education from teachers, parents, or the state. I come from emptiness, without any purpose or motive, just to see the scenery before me. I do not know what to do next because for me, the present is the other shore. I have no expectations for this world, so I will not be disappointed. I am merely a passerby; it is not that I need this world, but that this world needs me to pass through each lens to showcase its changing beauty, turning beans into meat, into noodles, and then combining the three into a tofu noodle stew, experiencing the whole splitting into individuals and merging into one work, one scene, experiencing the vitality of youth from the integration of fragments, the feeling of returning to one, the peace of returning to simplicity.
14 22:54:31
This is the joy brought by independence and self-nature, which is the state of living in the present.
14 22:55:41
In the movie "Red-Haired Diva," the diva ultimately reaches this state.
14 23:01:18
The topic of independence cannot truly be elaborated step by step in detail; especially using words is a futile endeavor. However, if anyone is interested, I am willing to approach that state and discuss it. In fact, the state of independence, before it occurs in a person, seems more unbelievable to understand through words than squeezing milk from a cow to feed 100 people. If someone truly experiences it, their worldview will be completely overturned in an instant.
14 23:04:40
Because our demands on the external world due to scarcity have created a huge conflict in the worldview formed by right and wrong. If this sense of scarcity does not exist, then all past efforts and struggles are merely foolishness. I need to thoroughly understand where this spontaneous independent energy comes from and what allows me to exist as an individual, becoming my own light.
14 23:11:35
Living in the present means having the freedom to be independent from the world, being a pillar in the flow of time. No matter what challenges arise, I can face them directly without avoidance because there is no possibility of losing. My heart no longer moves from here to there; every moment is the other shore, invincible in my heart, invincible in the world. Matter is in motion, but when the heart is still, human consciousness can influence the movement of matter, even shaking the collective consciousness of humanity to trigger phenomena like earthquakes.
14 23:13:49
Let’s stop here for today. Before the topic of independence is passively perceived by the body and mind, any amount of written description is merely superficial. Writing a hundred thousand books to explain it is just a continuous approach to an understanding that words cannot reach.
14 23:14:17
The realm.
14 23:30:10
Regarding the topic of independence, if anyone is interested, I would like to continue discussing it in the future, clarifying it a bit more in writing, filling in some content, and finally explaining where an independent individual comes from, how they enter time, and where they go when they leave time, telling the whole story from beginning to end. In this era, more and more people are preparing to tell this story. Unintentionally, many people will come into contact with this story and remember that this is their own story.
14 23:48:02
The movie "Red-Haired Diva" can be watched; it features generations of awakeners. It does not aim to teach dogma through religion but rather to express things as if speaking normally, serious conversations between friends and between parents and children, about what my current situation is and about a true story of my genuine peace, happiness, and freedom.
14 0:09:19
It is not a myth but how I found my true heart from being lost, how my personal willpower was extinguished by the most sincere emotions between people, and how I went from wanting to live better and struggling for half my life to cherishing every little thing that was trampled upon. This story contains no hint of coercion, nor is it about achieving desires or goals; it is merely a wayward son wanting to start anew, to walk the wrong path correctly again in exchange for a smile that should have been seen, for a life path that should have developed normally. Let’s see where this train of life will ultimately head back to normal; it is not the end of the track but rather flying into the sky, away from the track.
14 0:10:30
The so-called endpoint is the place where the truth is revealed.
14 0:22:19
Movies related to the topic of independence, or self-nature, include "Red-Haired Diva," "Naruto: Blood Prison," and Chen Kaige's "Cat Demon."

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